Tuesday, January 8, 2019


I work a lot and do this for fun but also to demonstrate that news is not just the single topic or personality shoved down our throats.

The MSM and the Fox News-talk radio crowd seem to give us that.

I grew up with news being more than some he said, she said controversy.

Its about floods, fires, insurrections.    Its more than politics.  Its more than emotionalizing me to vote for a major political party that serves the interests of the business and banking elites at the end of the day.

And we got Brexit with Theresa May trying to shove her unpopular fake Brexit on people, in France Emmanuel Macron trying to shove his agenda down people's throats by discrediting the Yellow Vests protests.

And then Germany where an Alternative for Germany politician was brutally attacked yesterday.

The picture here is graphic at the link......GATEWAY PUNDIT-AFD POLITICIAN ATTACKED IN GERMANY

But I am around watching what's going on and will come back as I am able in between the two job 70 hour work schedule I go through every week.

President Trump looking ahead to 2020 with his speech tonight and the Democrats wanting to rig their system to select Joe Biden the insider tool of the elites.    Why are so many Dems are running in 2020?   To split the vote so their Jeb Bush can win.

Have a good one and hope you find that next right thing to do.

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