Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Why A Cook Out?: When You're Afraid Of "Cults" When You Get "Gun Laws" Want To Throw The First Rock


What is a cult?   What isn't a cult?

Reverend Jim Jones and his Marxist-Leninist People's Temple at the intersection of Jesus and Lenin one example.

Jones fancying himself a bit of both seemed to fit the description once the "Kool Aid was passed" and innocent people were gunned down in Guyana back in 1978.

In the Conservative Christian subculture I experienced a doctrinal clarity that meant questioning other religious groups from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to the Seventh Day Adventists not to mention Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims.

Then there was the Unification Church of Reverend Moon and beyond that other groups smaller in size.

The "Mormons" very much an ostracized and persecuted people in their early days driven all the way to "Deseret" (Utah).   

I guess the "Good Christian Men" who imagined themselves with multiple wives were just so offended that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints actually allowed multiple wives back in those days.

The "Mormons" were attacked and steadily driven westwards.

Getting closer to the action the deadly encounter that started the siege and led to the inferno was a matter of federal gun law enforcement.

Why gun laws in the first place?    Doesn't the Second Amendment stand out loud and clear?

After high profile people were assassinated in the 1960's the political leaders pushed for a 'gun law' and a 'compromise' of various interests was achieved back in 1968.

Nowadays as many little people are killed there is continuing pressure for more gun laws what will they do if big name people-politicians are gunned down again?

"Let He Who Has No Sin Cast The First Stone"

It's in the Good Book and seems to work for me as I consider this whole matter of people who are different from me people I want to find fault with criticize, enact laws against or use laws against like that group of folks in Waco, Texas 30 years ago.

For the survivors I pray they will find healing if they haven't and continue the healing already begun if they have.

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