Thursday, February 22, 2018


"....we have withdrawn from the suit placed in the federal court and are relying upon We the People of America to convene a 7th Amendment Grand Jury to examine the crimes and the criminals who have done us harm"

Shawna Cox Statement February 8, 2018

There's word from Gary Hunt's "Outpost of Freedom" blog this week (February 21st) that Shawna Cox, who rode in the truck shot at by the FBI right before driver LaVoy Finicum's murder, is withdrawing the lawsuit filed in federal court in Portland last month.

Cox said that she and Ryan Bundy have decided to withdraw the suit in favor of a ''common law grand jury" to consider who is responsible for the killing of Finicum and attempt to kill herself, Ryan Bundy, Victoria Sharp and Ryan Payne, who were all passengers in LaVoy Fincium's truck.

She cites her belief that the federal government will seek to pay off the plantiffs with money, rather than allow the lawsuit to proceed to a trial where a jury would decide on responsibility and award damages.

She also cites other reasons including corruption in the federal justice system and the need for transparency which federal courts would not allow with proceedings recorded on video and available for public viewing.

Cox believes it is better that an open process happen instead that will further the message of the need to restore the Constitution of the United States.

Her statement lays out plans to create a legal process to use a Grand Jury to indict those responsible for the violent attack that killed LaVoy Finicum and injured Ryan Bundy in Harney County, Oregon on January 26, 2016 and attempted to kill her, Victoria Sharp and Ryan Payne:

"We want 'We the People' to determine who are the guilty and who are the innocent.  We want a Jury of our Peers as the Bill of Rights affords us.  A Government of the People, by the People and for the People.   That's why we have summoned a 'Common Law Administrator' to convene a Grand Jury to indict those people who have conspired against America, for Treason, and their crimes against 'We the People'....."

During the Oregon Standoff protest a number of non-violent initiatives were undertaken including plans for a Grand Jury to investigate the case of the Hammonds and issue indictments against those responsible.

Where this is leading remains to be seen but it was the potential to draw attention to the case of the deadly federal ambush on January 26th, 2016 rather than cause attention to go away like a wrongful death lawsuit settled out of court with cash would.

Indictments by a citizens grand jury of figures like former FBI Director James Comey and even higher ranking ex-Obama Administration figures would certainly cause a stir with many who would like to see them prosecuted for something.

Of course, the wrongful death lawsuit filed by LaVoy Finicum's family in the US District Court in Pendleton, Oregon continues to move forward.

Link to Gary Hunt blog below:

Gary Hunt "Outpost of Freedom" Blog Post 2/21/2018


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