"We have an unconstitutional land agency, a federal agency and its not just the land agency.....coming down inside the states and literally putting its people in fear and forcing the states into undue obedience, forcing us the people into undue obedience.
And when we allow that to happen and we don't hold them accountable and we have no way to hold them accountable and why? Why don't we have a way to hold Dan Love accountable? Why don't we have a way to hold these people accountable?
Because they're outside of the authority that they're acting, they're usurping it. There's no way to hold them accountable. You can't vote em in, you can't vote em out, you can't defund them.
You can't do anything with them because they're not supposed to be here. These lands and all these are supposed to be handled on a county and a state level and for them to come in and assert themselves and use force and intimidation to tax us to death and take it up to Washington DC and then dangle it over our heads.
Saying that if you don't do this we're not going to fund you, if you do that we're not going to fund you and if you do do this we will fund you completely controlling the people and literally forcing us into undue obedience.....
when we go away from the founding principles that built this nation, what do you think's gonna happen. This is what happens. Until we get back to the principles that are outlined in the Constitution, until we stand on those principles, we cannot be free.
And it will happen over and over and I guarantee its happening in the Department of Justice, in the FBI, in the Department of Education, in every department of the federal government because there is no accountability and we can't make em accountable.
But on a county level, we could get em out, on a state level we can hold em accountable and that's the issue here and we cannot lose sight of that.
Its not that we go to Washington DC 'Boy we reprimanded the BLM, boy we gotta straighten them out to make sure they follow their procedures and regulations and their statutes right'. NO, IT'S THAT THEY SHOULD NOT BE IN OUR STATES PERIOD. And as long as they are we're in danger.
As long as they are we can't use our lands and resources and it'll throw us completely into poverty. You cannot live without the land. You cannot survive without the water.
And they have deliberately and intentionally and deceptively over years, over decades taken the land, taken the water and the resources, the minerals away from the people until we wonder why we're all struggling to make a living....."
Ammon Bundy 12/14/2017
As the revelations from a Bureau of Land Management agent, Larry Wooten, have oozed out in the Bunkerville Standoff case, one is reminded in its passages revealing hatred for the Bundy's with epithets, pornographically altered pictures, a "kill list" of Bundy family members and supporters and so on of the kind of hatred that leads to murder.
The kind of hatred that killed three civil rights workers near Philadelphia, Mississippi in 1964, that killed other civil rights leaders from Martin Luther King to Medgar Evers. Yes, the kind of hatred that killed LaVoy Finicum alongside an Oregon road on January 26, 2016 during the Oregon Standoff protest.
When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was freed from from the Georgia State Prison by the intervention of John F. Kennedy, Democrat presidential candidate in the fall of 1960, King was grateful to Kennedy.
But once Kennedy became President of the United States and there was no change in the racial situation, Dr. King became a thorn in the side of the Democratic Party's political machine, which was a union of Jim Crow segregationists and pro-integration black and white voters in the North.
Speeches supporting racial equality were made, but concrete actions were not taken.
What's been happening with federal lands since Donald Trump became President of the United States is truly stunning with former Republican Congressman Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke proclaiming victories in Donald Trump's name when he decided to scale back Barack Obama's designation of three areas as "National Monuments".
This Republican administrator of federal lands thinks its a great victory "Making America Great Again" when he decides to do only 15 percent or even more of what Obama was going to do,
That's the way the swamp works, the Democrats go the wrong way in high gear, the Republicans do the same in in a lower gear.
Donald Trump is one man isolated by the whims of public opinion and the swampland that forms an oversized "moat" around the White House and even inside it.
After 2400 people were arrested in Birmingham in the spring of 1963, including 1100 children including a large contingent of six and seven year olds whose May 2, 1963 march into police lines helped change the course of history, President Kennedy faced the shift in public opinion that forced him to sign civil rights executive orders and support a civil rights bill, actions he was previously unwilling to take.
Dr, Martin Luther King had to go outside of politics to reverse a racial control system that had become entrenched over decades in the South impoverishing the non-white population.
Over the decades since the 1960's the federal land control system in the West has tightened impoverishing farmers and ranchers and others who used the land to make a living.
Big business forces that run politics like big centralized systems of government control that make it easier to do business, leaving small operators on the outside like the Bundys.
In the weeks before the FBI opted for violence against a non-violent protest (Oregon Standoff) and arrested Ammon Bundy, he was speaking and helping citizens organize at a local level to reassert local authority over land.
The violent FBI led operation that killed LaVoy Finicum injured Ryan Bundy with Ammon Bundy being arrested among others came as the group traveled to a public meeting in Grant County, Oregon to promote non violent action to reverse the federal tyranny.
Government spends more money gets bigger etc. etc. after all the speeches are over.
Didn't Simon and Garfunkel get it right 50 years ago:
".....Goin to the candidates debate, laugh about it, shout about it, when you got to choose, anyway you look at it you lose...."
"Mrs. Robinson"-Simon and Garfunkel (1968)
We saw what goes on in politics in recent weeks when someone outside the system like Roy Moore tries to break in.
Well, there's always the Gandhi-MLK Option and Ammon Bundy sees that in his own way as the way forward.
Gandhi upended the British Empire and MLK broke the Jim Crow system without violence, resisting.
Ammon Bundy's message is that the people in this country are not free even if the case against him and the others is thrown out, more needs to be done.
And politics seems to be a mess outside of President Trump himself.
"We the People" are what makes the country great and our actions, actions outside politics to force the politicians to change may be the best option in the times we live in and Ammon Bundy has demonstrated the courage to take such actions.
If he ends up being truly free and not on a GPS monitor on pre-trial release, if the charges do get thrown out in coming days, I see Ammon Bundy as someone who can lead and someone who should be followed instead of the phony baloney politicians and the political machine of interest groups, media outlets of the "Left" and "Right" etc. etc.
We've been fools being fooled for too long and slaves to the lies and promises of the GOP politicians and politicians in general and the groups and media that front for them.
Its time to live freely, act freely and as the New Hampshire slogan says "Live Free Or Die".
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