Friday, December 28, 2018


"The YPG/PKK terrorist organization that controls the region by force does not have the right and the authority to make a statement and invite other elements on behalf of people in the region"

Turkish Defense Ministry Statement 12/28/2018-YENI SAFAK TURKISH MEDIA STORY

"Due to the invading Turkish state's threats to invade northern Syria and displace its people similarly to al-Bab, Jarabulus and Afrin, we as the People's Protection Units, following the withdrawal of our forces from Manbij before, announce that our forces will be focusing on the fight against ISIS on all fronts in the east of the Euprhates.

In conjunction with this, we invite the Syrian government forces which are obliged to protect the same country, nation and borders, to assert control over the areas our forces have withdrawn from, in particularly Manbij, and to protect these areas against a Turkish invasion"

YPG Kurdish Official Statement 12/28/2018-KURDISH STORY

When President Trump decided during a phone call with the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan earlier this month that US troops were leaving Syria, it appeared that the Turks and their proxy forces would have a free hand to move into northeastern Syria to take out Kurdish forces Turkey sees as a threat to its national integrity and security.

But word today after days of a military buildup in the region, is that Syrian government forces accompanied by Russian military police are moving in the western part of northeast Syria at Manbij.

The Turkish President spoke after Friday prayers saying in part:

"Our goal is terrorist groups leaving there.  If the (terrorist) groups leave, then there is no job left for us"

Tomorrow a high-level Turkish delegation will go to Moscow for a meeting with Russian officials to discuss the Syrian situation.

The Syrian government said in a statement earlier today that Manbij is officially under its control and that its forces entered the city.

A pro-Syrian government Twitter feed sending pictures from Manbij says there is no sign of Syrian government forces in the city center yet.       The Syrian government forces had moved into the countryside west of the city at the village of Arima in recent days.

The "IvanSidorenko1" Twitter feed also showed pictures of US coalition forces helicopters over Manbij today.

Another development in recent hours was an announcement by the Turkish aligned Free Syrian Army units that an offensive by the Turks and FSA was underway in the Manbij area.-AL MASDAR NEWS STORY

Lots of bluff and bluster here, but the real situation will sort itself out in the coming hours and days.

It certainly appears that the Kurds are ready to give up the Turkish border regions to the Syrian government as the alternative to Turkish invasion.

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