Wednesday, April 18, 2018


"I asked them how they felt about the 'moderate rebels' that they were living under and they said 'there's no such thing as moderate rebels'.   They said that the people they were living under were starving them to death....they hoarded the medicine and took everything for themselves.....if anyone complained you were risking your life, they'd kill you, they'd kill you and your family for complaining or raising any problems....."

"One America News Network" reporter Pearson Sharp reports on his visit to Douma, Syria after it was taken back by the Syrian government from "The Army of Islam" rebels who held it

Robert Fisk wasn't the only reporter to visit Douma, Syria on Monday.  A reporter for the "One America News Network" had the opportunity to go around and ask questions and look for evidence of the "chemical attack" alleged to have occurred April 7th.

Here are some more excerpts of the report:

"It was that square..... the terrorists claim was hit by the chemicals and so I walked around it.  I looked at everything.   There was some mortars that had exploded in the concrete.  But nothing looked like a chemical attack and when I asked the people there.  There were soliders there.  There were military police there.

They said they'd been stationed there for awhile and they hadn't seen anything that day.  They did point out to me that there was a hospital nearby, right off the square actually that had a basement like two or three stories underground where there was an emergency field hospital used by the terrorists to treat their wounded........"

".......there are still doctors there taking care of people but now those doctors are working for the govvernment instead of working for Jaish el Islam.......I spoke to one of the doctors in training and he was on staff on duty at the time of the attack, that day.   I asked him what he saw that day and he told me that it was a routine day for him.  It was very dusty that day.  A lot of people were coming in coughing just irritation in the throat......

........While they were going about their rounds suddenly out of nowhere a bunch of strangers burst into the room screaming that there was a chemical attack and they started hosing.   They brought in allegedly victims and they started hosing them down with water.   And so the doctors, they freaked out and grabbed hoses and started helping and stuff.

And the strangers who brought in the victims were videotaping everything......and as soon as they had washed everybody off and stuff they packed up and they left and that was the end of it......they didn't see any indication that there was a chemical attack.... the people that came in looked totally normal........"

The full report is at the link below......

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